Friday, October 24, 2014

Ten Painting tips on reflection


Ten Painting tips on Reflection

1 - Any given point on an object must reflect directly below itself.

2 - An object tilting toward you will foreshorten and will seem shorter than its reflection.

3 - When an object tilts away from you, its reflection becomes shorter than the object itself.

4 - The reflection of the object appears the way you would see it if your eyes were on the surface of the water, where the reflection is located.

5 - The tonal value of a reflection is controlled by the deepest value of the waters local color.

6 - The color of a reflection is influenced by the local color of the water.

7 - The angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are always the same and they are inseperable.

8 - Reflections are not in the water but on its surface.

9 - If a gentle wind blow from the side making many tiny waves, you may see breeze paterns on the water's surface.

10 - When a very light subject against a very dark background reflects in gently moving water, its reflection may appear much longer than the length of the object itself.

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