Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Drawing Lion & Primate Heads in Easy Steps - Painting & Drawing Tips

Drawing Lion Head in Seven Easy Steps
1. Draw a horizontal, two crossing verticals and an X beneath, leaving an enclosure slightly deeper than wide.

2. Then draw two small eye circles below horizontal and outside of verticals. Place parentheses-like markings ( ) on either side of X directly below circles. Add curved chin line.

3. Draw large circle crossing center of X, with circle’s center even with bottom of eyes. Add looping ears extending out from circle almost as far as chin line.

4. Sketch mane's outline behind ears and on either side of cheeks. Let hair cup in and converge informally below chin. 

5. Draw eyelid lines corning off of original horizontal line. Let them curve in and cross to inside of verticals. Continue these lines down sides of nose making them swell slightly as they approach the X. Top of nose pad goes above X's center; while mouth line sweeps out below X. Place furrow lines above eyes and indicate loose hair strands in front of ears.
6. Add pupil spots, bottom eyelids, forehead furrows, nostrils, whiskers and additional mane strands about the face. 
7. shade in face and mane over linear outline of fig.6.

The most intelligent and best looking lion heads, have a fairly wide face. Lions are individuals and their countenances can vary just like people's. Lion trainers in circuses would choose lion A over lion B.

pictured at the right

Drawing Primate Heads In Easy Sequence

A. The Chimpanzee - Nearly all apes and monkeys have heads consisting of a rounded skull box and a fairly flat face fronted by a part ball muzzle. More attention will be given the chimp later, but for now, compare the simple facial beginnings of these four primates A, B, C & D. Divide the main circle into fourths, then add the rounded muzzle shape as shown. The eye orbits are on the horizontal division a, fig. 2. The chimp has a low receding forehead, big brow ridges, deep set eyes with multi wrinkles beneath, flat nose devoid of fleshy wings about nostrils, thin septum between nostrils, long upper lip, wide mouth slit, minimal chin, forehead-cheek-&-chin hair and big floppy ears.

B. The Squirrel Monkey - First of all, notice the difference in the muzzles of this head and the chimp (A1). Actually, the overall head of this fellow is much, much smaller. He has a very rounded head that is bun shaped in the back. The eyes on his short face are below the a division. Notice the outline markings around the eyes in the fig. 3's of A, B, C & D. The Squirrel monkey has vivid contrast in his facial fur and sizeable, tufted ears.

C. The Patas Monkey -His muzzle is long and thin compared with Al and Bl. Most of his nose appears to be on the muzzles shape. His orbits are above the a line. The top of his head is flattened (the main cycle is cut off in figs. 4 & 5). He is a fairly large monkey with dignified mustache and chin whiskers.

D. The Capped Langur - Compared to the larger circle of fig.1, his muzzle Is Proportionately Small. Observe that his mouth line is drawn inside the main circle. His large eyes are below the a line. The cheek pouches on this slender monkey are practically non-existent. He has a funny ruff of chin and cheek hair, and over his eyes is a bunch of stiff hairs sticking up; hence the name "Capped Langur."

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