Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Painting Tips


1. Look at your painting upside down to see shapes, not subjects.
2. Look at your painting in a mirror to see the work with a fresh eye.
3. Examine your painting in a black mirror (a pane of glass painted black on one side) . The reflection will Knock down the color and help you see values.
4. Squint. It softens the scene so you see large, important shapes with less detail.
5. If you're having a hard time seeing a color or value in a scene, look next to that color, not right at it.
6. Look at your painting from a distance, or use a reducing glass, to see the large, important masses.
7. In the studio, try not to get too comfortable or too close to the canvas, which limits your brushstrokes. Stand up while painting. It allows more freedom of arm movement.

8. use a viewfinder when searching for a composition (a mat board with a rectangular opening works fine) to block out confusing, unwanted areas.
Asep Petir ( acrylic on canvas)

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